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Fundraising has been a huge part of the success of our swimming facility.  It is the reason why we are able to continue operating.  We have held numerous fundraisers in the past including Who’s line is it!,  Spring Fling,  Wake-A-Thons, Cabarets, Magic Show, serving/volunteering for various social events, and Designated Driving. 


Another successful fundraiser for the committee is the Vacation Lottery Tickets which will be available to purchase at Martha's Place, Synergy Credit Union, or from any MADAC board member starting in September, 2023! These tickets sell out fast so remember to get yours! 


Our latest fundraiser is our bottle recycling program.  We have a drop-off site behind the west side of the Town Office building. 





Donations are also a part of our fundraising campaign.  We pride ourselves in the fact that our community support was outstanding and was the major factor of our facility becoming a reality.  We are proud of Phase I being accomplished and are now working towards Phase II - a water slide.


With our pool up and running, we are still in need of donation money!  You can donate in one payment or over 2-5 years to suit your budget.  All tax-deductable donations can be mailed to:


Town of Macklin
Box 69
Macklin, SK
S0L 2C0


Please make cheques payable to MADAC.  

Keep posted for future fundraising events in our community!

Thanks for your consideration.
Macklin & District Aquatic Centre Inc. (MADAC)


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